Naizil recommends the following to ensure fabric longevity and cleanliness:
- Gently rinse the fabric with clean lukewarm water to loosen or remove large dirt particles. Do not use power washers or high-pressure sprays. These can abrade the surface of the fabric beyond repair.
- Using a soft sponge or brush and the recommended cleaning solution, wash an area of the fabric by wiping from bottom to top. Do not let the soap dry on the fabric. To prevent this, wash a predetermined area and then rinse it with clean water making sure that no soap is left behind. Then, proceed to the next area. Manufacturers of cleaning products recommend cleaning 10 square feet at a time followed by rinsing. Leaving the cleaning solution behind could result in major staining of the fabric.
- Repeat step (2) until the entire fabric is cleaned.
Note: Heavier stains will require more aggressive cleaners but these types of cleaners could damage the fabric.